A litho pencil for the modern day artist. Months of mad scientiest experiments have led me to create the perfect tool for drawing on stone. Phantom Print Litho pencils are 7/64 of an inch in diameter to ensure that even when dull your lines will stay fine. I grew up drawing with mechanical pencils so these pencils feel more natural to me.
#3 = medium soft pencil/medium dark marks. (marked with red paint on the flat end) currently unavailable, they are undergoing mor testing.
#5 = hardest pencil/lightest marks. (marked with yellow paint on the flat end)
A long reach pencil holder is required to use these pencils as they are too thin to fit in other litho pencil holders.
Phantom Print litho pencils
A litho pencil for the modern day artist. Months of mad scientiest experiments have led me to create the perfect tool for drawing on stone. Phantom Print Litho pencils are 7/64 of an inch in diameter to ensure that even when dull your lines will stay fine. I grew up drawing with mechanical pencils so these pencils feel more natural to me.
#1 = softest pencil/darkest marks. (marked with blue paint on the flat end)
#3 = medium soft pencil/medium dark marks. (marked with red paint on the flat end)
#5 = hardest pencil/lightest marks. (marked with yellow paint on the flat end)
The long reach pencil holder is required to use these pencils as they are too thin to fit in other litho pencil holders.